Routine dentistry
Routine preventative dentistry at GVEH is performed under sedation.
We believe this is needed to be able to evaluate the oral cavity in safety and more particularly to allow a thorough accurate examination. All our hospital dental investigations are performed with the use of an oral camera (oroscope). The use of an oroscope allows for much better detail and documentation of the dental findings.
When visiting GVEH for a dental exam of your horse, you will receive full documentation of your horses list of pathologies and basic treatments will be performed or a treatment plan will be established for any findings that need more advanced interventions. Every horse will receive a full clinical examination and it is also an opportunity to discuss any other concerns you may have about your horse’s health.
A range of pathologies we may discover during a routine examinations are:
- Sharp enamel points and dental overgrowths
- Peripheral caries
- Diastema with food packing and periodontal disease (gum disease)
- Infundibular Cemental Hypoplasia and Infundibular Caries
- Open Pulp Cavities
- Dental fractures
- Incisor disease (fractures, EOTRH,…)
- Tongue and gum wounds
- Oral neoplasia
- Displaced teeth